
The Fun section has recieved a substantial update, but there is also bad news. First, the bad news, to get it over with. Our music subsection has been taken offline due to conflicts with the webhost over hosting files of that size. Until we can find a place to store them the music subsection is offline and has been removed from the menu.

Now the good news! The following new subsections have been added and are now available on the menus below: Scout List (A list of all known Sailor Scouts. If you can think of any we missed, e-mail us and let us know. You'll find more details in that subsection.), Lyrics (Lyrics to many songs featured in Sailor Moon. We lose our music subsection, but we gain a lyric subsection. Ahh irony.), and Voice Cast (A section devoted to the men and women who give voice to the characters of Sailor Moon.)

More is in store for next week's update, so be sure and check back soon.

Voice Cast Music from the Japanese and American Sailor Moon releases. The files are in MP3 and are for sampling only. We currently have 7 songs online.
Sailor Moon IQ Test your knowledge of Sailor Moon and win banners for your web site.
Episode Summaries Summary of the first two Sailor Moon seasons (Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon R I and II.).
Sailor Facts Litte known or little discussed facts off the Sailor Moon series.
Lyrics Lyrics to many of the songs featured in the Sailor Moon anime.
Scout List A list of all known scouts from various sources (Manga, anime, live action.). If you know of a scout we missed, let us know and we'll give you credit.
