Scout List

This list contains the names of all the Sailor Scouts that are known of from various sources (manga, anime, live action) in an attempt to create a list of all known Sailor Scouts. This list is as complete as we could currently make it, but should not by any means be taken as the complete and final word on the number of scouts. As we find out about more, we will add them to the list.

Anyone out there who knows of a Sailor Scout that is not on the list, please e-mail us by going here and let us know of the scout you think should be added to the list. Once we've confirmed it (Please include a refrence to where the scout appeared to make this faster.), we will then add the scout's name and give credit to the person who suggested their name be added to the list.

Inner Senshi Outer Senshi Asteroid Senshi
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mars
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Pluto
Sailor Ceres
Sailor Pallas
Sailor Vespa
Sailor Juno
Shadow Galactica Special Senshi* Live Action Senshi
Sailor Galaxia
Sailor Iron Mouse
Sailor Aluminum Siren
Sailor Deimos
Sailor Phobos
Sailor Lead Crow
Sailor Tin Nyanko
Sailor Lethe
Sailor Mnemosyne
Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon
Sailor Kakyuu
Sailor Chi
Sailor Phi
Sailor Chaos
Sailor Chibi Moon
Sailor Chibi Chibi
Sailor Cosmos
Sailor Channel
Sailor Gucci
Sailor Pewter Fox
Sailor Stone Croco
Sailor Butress
Sailor Theta
* Special Senshi are Senshi that did not seem to fit into any of the other categories.
