Sailor Neptune is in the Outer Senshi, which includes Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Saturn. She has only been in one episode in the U.S. episodes and that was the last one and she was only in a cameo. Her name in Japan is Michiru Kaioh and Irwin Toys gave her the name of Nerissa. Her element is Water. She is very elegant and come from a wealthy family. When she is fighing with the other Sailor Scouts she is very cold this is from her resentment of being a Sailor Scout. She plays the violin professionally and likes to swim and paint. She has a romantic relationship with Sailor Uranus.

I do not know much about the Outer Senshi so I don't know much about there attacks except for there names. Sailor Neptune's attacks are DEEP SUBMERGE and SUBMARINE REFLECTION. If anyone would like to contribute to this list I would appreciate it alot.
